This book may have gotten a little less coverage because the release date bounced around a bit. Preview PDFs were sent out early, but then I don’t remember a big push when the final on-sale date happened. It’s too bad because there are so many wonderful ideas here—even if you don’t make every element of the restaurant dish.
This book may have gotten a little less coverage because the release date bounced around a bit. Preview PDFs were sent out early, but then I don’t remember a big push when the final on-sale date happened. It’s too bad because there are so many wonderful ideas here—even if you don’t make every element of the restaurant dish.
I love the Sqirl cookbook too. Their daily quiche (I like to add leeks to mine) and brown rice horchata are the best!
Re the trend of less cookbooks about restaurants sharing their dishes;
I'm adapting standout (mostly NYC) restaurant recipes for simple home cooking over on The Secret Ingredient, my Substack. We're growing fast, cheers!
agreed! the notes on wine from Justin Chearno are also a fantastic feature of this book!
Oh they're so good
Look at you all Ina Garten with your “good” balsamic and “good” Comte
Lol I need an editor